Here are conversations in which people are announcing some decisions. Complete them using your creativity and the expressions you have learned in Unit 1. 1. A: _________________________________________ B: Are you insane? You’re going to get killed! A: ___________________________________________ B: Well, it’s your life, pal. Remaining characters: 300 Check 2. A: ________________________ B: Wow! I didn’t see that one coming. I suppose it could work, but are you sure you don’t want to reconsider? A: ________________________ B: OK then. It’s decided. Remaining characters: 300 Check 3. A: _________________________________________ B: Over my dead body. I won’t let you do it, man. Forget it! A: _________________________________________
A 1: What about us get on a date on Saturday at my house? We can have some fun, you know.
respondido por:
Using our creativity and the content we have learned in Unit 1.1. It is possible to complete sentence with some expressions as like:
A: I am thinking about robbing a bank.
B: Are you insane? [...]
A: Cut me some slack
B: Well,[...]
A: I already have everything planned.
B: Wow! I didn’t [...]
A: don't worry I have been planning for months
B: OK then. [...]
A: I need you to help me buy a gun
B: Over my dead body.[...]
A: Relax, It's not rocket science.
Expressões idiomáticas
São tipos de expressões importantes do inglês cotidiano, não formal. Da lingua falada.
Abaixo deixo listada algumas expressões e seus significados. Utilize-as para completar seu exercício.
- A blessing in disguise = Algo bom que inicialmente parecia ser ruim
- A dime a dozen = Algo comum
- Beat around the bush = Evitar falar algo desconfortável
- Better late than never = É melhor chegar tarde do que não comparecer
- Bite the bullet = Superar algo na marra
- Break a leg = Boa sorte
- Call it a day = Parar de trabalhar em algo
- Cut somebody some slack = Não ser tão crítico
- Cutting corners = Fazer de forma medíocre por tempo/dinheiro
- Easy does it = Diminuir o ritmo
- Get out of hand = Perder o controle
- Get something out of your system = Fazer algo desejado
- Get your act together = Trabalhar melhor ou ir embora
- Give someone the benefit of the doubt = Confiar no que alguém diz
- Go back to the drawing board = Recomeçar
- Hang in there = Não desistir
- Hit the sack = Dormir
- It's not rocket science = Não é complicado
- Let someone off the hook = Não culpar alguém por algo
- Make a long story short = Resumir assunto
- Miss the boat = Tarde demais
- No pain, no gain = sem dor não há ganho
- On the ball = acerto
- Pull someone's leg = aprontar/ pegadinha
- Pull yourself together = se recompor
- So far so good = até momento, tudo sob controle
- Speak of the devil = falando no diabo...
- The best of both worlds = algo ideal
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