Collocations may sound natural for native speakers, but for second language students, they can be tricky. The effort to understand them can be challenging. Considering that, read the following text. Take a Chance On Me - ABBA If you change your mind (Take a chance, take a chance) I'm the first in line (Take take, chance chance) Honey I'm still free (Take a chance, take a chance) Take a chance on me (Take take, chance chance) If you need me, let me know (Take a chance, take a chance) Gonna be around (Take take, chance chance) If you got no place to go (Take a chance, take a chance) When you're feeling down (Take take, chance chance) […] Disponível em: . Acesso em: 01 nov. 2018 Taking the lyrics into account, analyze the following statements. I. “Take a chance” is an example of collocation because no other verb could replace “take” and still have the wanted meaning. II. The collocation "first in line" is really common in the English language. III. We can have other collocation with the verb “take”, such as: take a photo. IV. Non-native speakers may find similar expressions on their mother tongue. It is correct what is stated on Alternativas Alternativa 1: I, only. Alternativa 2: I and II, only. Alternativa 3: I, II and III, only. Alternativa 4: I, III and IV, only. Alternativa 5: I, II, III, IV.
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Referring to collocations, it is correct what is stated on Alternative 4: I, III and IV, only
É um fenômeno que acontece em todos os idiomas, onde duas ou mais palavras se combinam de forma natural.
Se usarmos a palavra ''cabelo'' em português, teremos as seguintes ''collocations''
- cabelo curto - short hair
- cabelo comprido - long hair
- cabelo crespo - curly hair
- cabelo loiro - blonde hair
Se você quer dizer ''cortar o cabelo'', a não ser que você mesmo vá cortar o seu cabelo, diga ''cut the hair''. Mas se for no cabeleireiro para cortar o cabelo, a forma correta é ''have a hair cut''. São duas formas diferentes de dizer a mesma coisa.
Vamos ver outro exemplo de collocations usando o verbo ''to do''
- do the dishes - lavar a louça
- do the laundry - lavar a roupa
- do the homework - fazer a lição de casa
- do nails (my - your) - fazer as unhas (minhas - suas)
- do the housework - faxinar a casa
- do the shopping - fazer as compras
Agora, vamos usar a palavra ''car'' e conhecer mais algumas collocations
- lavar o carro - wash the car
- estacionar o carro - park the car
- carro velho - old car
- dirigir um carro - drive a car
- carro zero quilômetro - brand new car
- carro-forte - armored car
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