Onserve o texto abaixo e assinale o que cada pessoa esta fazendo de acordo com o texto my name is angela. I am a student my friend
Os espaços em branco, relativo ao texto, devem ser preenchidos conforme abaixo
1. Angela is (1) doing the homework.
2. Charles (2) watching tv.
3. Jason is (3) writing a composition.
4. My friends and I are (4) studying.
5. My mother is (5) preparing hot dogs and making a juice.
6. Paula is (6) reading a history book.
7. Rachel is (7) playing the guitar.
8. We are (8) hungry.
Present Continuous
Tempo verbal usado para falar sobre situações que estão acontecendo no momento em que falamos.
Este tempo verbal é formado usando verbo ''to be'' no presente (am - is - are) seguido pelo verbo principal, terminando em ''-ing''.
- Angela is studying.
- Peter and Mary are watching TV.
- I am cleaning my room.
- We are playing video game.
Na forma negativa, acrescenta-se ''not'' após o verbo ''to be''.
- I am not watching TV.
- She is not working.
- They are not studying English.
- We are not going home.
Na interrogativa, o verbo ''to be'' é colocado no início da frase e no final coloca-se o ponto de interrogação.
- Are you going home?
- Is she sleeping now?
- Are we going home?
- Am I eating?
Complementando a tarefa
My name is Angela. I am a student. My friends and I are studying. I am doing my homework now. Jason is writing a composition and Paula is
reading a history book at this moment. Charles is watching TV. Rachel is
playing the guitar. My mother preparing hot dogs and making a juice.
We are hungry.
1. Angela is...
2. Charles is...
3. Jason is
4. My friends and I are...
5. My mother is...
6. Paula is ...
7. Rachel is..
8. We are...
( ) doing the homework.
( ) hungry.
( ) playing the guitar.
( ) preparing hot dogs and making a juice.
( ) reading a history book.
( ) studying
( ) watching tv.
( ) writing a composition.
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