Eu tenho aula online hoje as 8:45, quem puder me ajudar eu agradeço e se as lacunas estiverem preenchidas, melhor ainda
Modal verbs
You don't have to pack a lot of luggage.
You have to take a credit card.
You must take your driver's license.
You need to buy good quality camping equipment.
You ought to remember to bring insect spray.
You should buy maps and travel guides.
You shouldn't forget a first-aid kit.
You shouldn't take a lot of cash.
You shouldn't forget your passport or identification.
You'd better bring cooking equipment.
⇒⇒ Modal verbs >> são verbos auxiliares ''diferentes''.. Não são conjugados, não recebem ''s'' na terceira pessoa do singular, além de não terem plural. São sempre escritos da mesma forma e não têm tradução se estiverem sozinhos, sem um verbo em seguida.
Alguns ''modal verbs''
Obligation - obrigação >> must
You must drive on the right in Brazil.
You must pay attention to the classes.
Prohibition - proibição >> must not = mustn't
You must not park the car here.
You mustn't step on the grass.
Advice - conselho >> should / shouldn't
You should study more.
The kids shouldn't play video game after 8pm.
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