• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Geiizy
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Very , extremely , Really , Pretty. (1) Complete as frases abaixo,usando um dos intensificadores acima.(A) English is a _______ important language .(B) February and march are _______ hot months in Salvador.(C) Leticia is a _____ intelligent girl.(d)Japonese is a difficult language for Brazilians.(E) On Sundays , the beaches in salvador get_______ crowded.((F) Aracaju is a __________ beautiful city.


respondido por: LetíciaRabelo6
A- very
B- extremely
C- pretty
D- extremely
F- very

(Coincidência> Me chamo Letícia e moro em Aracaju kk)
respondido por: FoxyKanda98
A. English is a VERY important language
B. February and March are really hot months in Salvador 
C. Letícia is a PRETTY intelligent girl
D. Japonese is a VERY difficult language for Brazilians
E. On Sundays, The beaches in salvador get extremely crowded
F. Aracaju is a VERY beautiful city
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