• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: 20174
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

usando as palavras purpose,rumor,security,sale,year,turn,worth,advantage,chocolate complete o texto
I heard a------that my favorito chocolate bars were on sale.I knew I had to take-------of this sale and buy enough to last me all----------.I drove to the store and sandly the-----guard told me that I would have to wait.I was confused;I had never waited to go into the store before.I told him my--------was only to buy some chocolate bars.He let me know that a lot of people heard about the------and there were too many people in the store.He told me I had to wait my-----.So I waited.Finally it was my turn.I went in to get my-------bars and the rumor was correct,they were only one cent each.It was like a zoo in the store.But it was-------it to get my favorite treat.


respondido por: CommanderLexa
Saudações! Aqui vai a resolução.

I hear a rumor that my favorite chocolate bars were on sale. I knew I had to take advantage of this sale and buy enough to last me all year. I drove to the store and sadly the security guard told me that I would have to wait. I was confused; I had never waited to go into the store before. I told him my purpose was only to buy some chocolate bars. He let me know that a lot of people heard about the sale and there were too many people in the store. He told me I had to wait my turn. So I waited. Finally it was my turn. I went in to get my chocolate bars and the rumor was correct, they were only one cent each. It was like a zoo in the store. But it was worth it to get my favorite treat.
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