• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: ErnstBeckerNeto
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Present perfect
1. Answer questions a to e based on the fragments from Barack Obama's speech

a) In "...We live in places where ordinary people _-*have done*-_ extraordinary things", we use the Present Perfect for:
( ) a finished action in a determined time in the past.
( ) a finished action connected with the present.

b) In "... _-*We've agreed*-_ to expand cooperation between our scientists, researchers, and engineers", we use the Present Perfect to:
( ) tell a story.
( ) announce news.

c) In "Now, our countries _-*have not always agreed*-_ on everything", we use the Present Perfect to:
( ) talk about an action that hasn't happened at any time up to now.
( ) talk about an action that has happened some times up to now.

d) In "Over the last decade, the progress made by Brazilian people _-*has inspired*-_", we use the Present Perfect to:
( ) talk about a change that was happened over a period of time.
( ) describe a past experience.

e) In "_-*Since the moment*-_ we arrived, the people of this nation have graciously show my family the warmth and generosity of the Brazilian spirit", the underlined statement refers to:
( ) a period of time.
( ) a specific point in time


respondido por: laila72
a) a resposta é a segunda alternativa pois o Simple Present é usado sempre que uma ação que aconteceu em um momento indeterminado no passado ainda interfere no nosso presente.

b) segunda alternativa

c) a resposta correta é a segunda afirmativa pois o Simple Present é colocado na frase de forma que pode-se tirar a conclusão que o fato anunciado ja aconteceu algumas vezes e no entanto, continua acontecendo.

d) a resposta correta é a primeira alternativa

ErnstBeckerNeto: muito abrigado , eu estava precisando muito
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