• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: raffaela0070cris
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Leia as frases abaixo:
I) The thieves robbed that old lady last night.
II) Please, remember the maid to buy some fruit.
III) I am used to visit my grandparents when I was a child.
Quanto ao uso dos verbos destacados, estão corretas as frases:
a) I, II e III
b) I e II
c) Somente I
d) Somente III
e) Nenhuma está correta.
Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões 7, 8 e 9.
Yin and Yang
The yin-yang symbol is the Chinese philosophical and religious symbol for
opposites. Yin represents the negative, dark and feminine side of existence,
while yang represents the positive, bright and masculine side. Both are
entwined and believed to influence the destinies of all creatures and things.
Neither principle can exist without the other, symbolized by the two
interpenetrating shapes. Notice how the seed of each side resides in the
middle of the other. According to Chinese philosophy, good cannot completely
vanquish evil; right will never eliminate wrong. Both will eternally coexist.
Vocabulary: entwined = entrelaços, neither = nenhum, seed = semente, vanquish = vencer


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resposta correta letra (c)
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