• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: carolainesouza4
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Me ajudem please preciso urgentemente



respondido por: alex025
1) how many children do you have?
2)what kind of movies does he like?
3)where are you from?
4)What does your father do?
5)what kind of food do you like?
6)where she works?
7)where are do you live?
8)How many foreign languages do you speak?
9)when you go to the gym?
10)How old are you?
Espero ter ajudado!
I hope have helped.

alex025: 1 Qual é seu nome?
carolainesouza4: Carol
carolainesouza4: Ex
alex025: Eu coloquei isso e não consegui apagar o comentario, mas ta tudo certinho as respostas!
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