• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: RaiAlmeida1
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

um texto em ingles que contenha adjetivos


respondido por: InfoChan
I will tell you a a story about a boy and his beautiful falcon. Whem he completed 6 years old, won of his father a falcon to train. Falcons are birds of prey, they live to kill other birds, said his father to him.
The bird didn't like the boy and the boy didn't like him. It have a sharp beak that made him nervous and that shining eyes seems always staring him.
The bird alway attack him with the beak and claws when he were near of it.
During many weeks the boy were with the hand and arms bleeding. He didn't know, but his father caught  a falcon that lived in a freak world and it were almost impoossible to train it.
But the boy tried, becauze his father sent. And the boy wanted enjoy his father.
He staied every day with the bird. Keping awake by talking with it, and playing songs, becauze a tired bird is a bird easier to be tamed.
He learned all about all the equipment.
He must have blinded the falcon, but instead of sited where were the bird could see him trying catch the confidence. He feeding it, the first one time it doesn't ate, but after jumped at his arm and cut his hand when ate.
For the boy, that were awesome, becauze it was a progress. He wanted the bird met him.
He started to see that falcon was beautiful. When learned to fly and back in circle and back to him, the boy almost shouted enjoied. Sometime the falcon jumped at his shoulder and passed the beak in his hair. He knew, the bird loved him.  he ran to his father to tell what he did, waiting that the man staied proud.
Instead of, his father caught the bird and broke his neck. "I SAID TO MAKE IT TAMED AND INSTEAD OF YOU MADE IT LOVE YOU! YOU BROKE IT" 

Later, when his father left gim, the boy cried by his animal, until his father send a man to catch the bird corpse and bury it. The boy never more cried and never forgot what he learned: love is break and be loved is be broke!"

respondido por: nina9e4

Adjetivos são palavras usadas para caracterizar pessoas ou coisas, seja em português ou em inglês. Para a construção de um texto em inglês que contenha adjetivos, vamos primeiramente ver suas traduções.

Como adjetivos temos: beautiful (bonita), talented (talentosa), clean freak (obcecado por limpeza), funny (engraçado), sarcastic (sarcástico), eccentric (excêntrico), pretty (bonito), spoiled (mimado), smart (inteligente).

Vejamos um exemplo de um texto em inglês contendo adjetivos

Monica is a chef at Alessandro's. She's beautiful and talented, two qualities her husband Chandler loves about her. Monica is also known for being a clean freak, her house has to be always spotless.

Chandler is a funny guy, always telling jokes and being sarcastic to his friends.

They are friends with Phoebe, a funny, eccentric and pretty masseuse, Joey, a broke and not so good actor, Rachel, a spoiled woman and Ross, Monica's brother and Chandler's best friend, a smart paleontologist who has being divorced three times.

Leia mais sobre adjetivos em inglês (adjectives) em: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/20558505


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