• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: PauloRoberto30
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Texto 1

English School of Rio
Subject: meeting with the Director

Dear parents and teachers,

As you all know that there was a strong debate in school about the use of cell phones during class. We would like to hear your opinions on the topic in order to change our policy.
For this reason, we would appreciate it if you could please send us a note with your thoughts on the matter: the school should not allow use of cell phones in the area of school?
Your opinion will be the groundwork for a meeting between the Director, parents and teachers. The event will take place on May 15, at 9 o'clock.
We would be happy with his coming.
Best wishes
Jeremy Oliver

Texto 2

Dear Amy,
hope you have some time on Friday. It’s John's birthday and we're having some snacks and a cake. You will come?

Miss you,


Gostaria de saber qual é a Diferença em relação ao Texto 2 para o Texto 1


respondido por: ericadallastra
A principal diferença entre o texto dois para o texto um é que o texto um é formal por se tratar de um convite profissional sobre um debate e o dois é informal por se tratar de um covite  de aniversário que aparente ser com alguem com uma certa intimidade! 
Espero ter ajudado

PauloRoberto30: Sim muito obrigado ajudou muito
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