• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: kaahlaine22
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Passe para o inglês na forma negativa

kaahlaine22: as frases são
kaahlaine22: você gosta de mim?
kaahlaine22: nós comemos laranja?
kaahlaine22: ele canta reggae ?
kaahlaine22: karol é loira e rica


respondido por: Anônimo
you do not like me?
we do not eat orange?
he does not sing reggae?
karol and not blonde and rich.

espero ter ajudado :-)
respondido por: a1n2d3r4e5morei
Do you like me? - Positive Sentence 
Don't you like me? - Negative Sentence

Do we eat orange? - Positive Sentence
Don't we eat orange? - Negative Sentence

Does he sing reggae? - positive Sentence
Doesn't he sing reggae? - Negative sentence

Karol is blonde and rich!  - positive Sentence
Korol isn't blonde nor rich! - negative sentence 

kaahlaine22: obrigada
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