• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: PamellaSanttos
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of POSSESSIVE grammar.
1. My sister bought that new car last 9. The cat was hungry and tired, so it
week. That car is …. ate all … food and fell asleep.
a) his
b) hers
c) her
2. The blue car isn’t my sister’s car. 10. It’s not theirs, it’s …. We bought
The green one is … car. it yesterday.
a) her
b) she
c) hers
3. Excuse me. Have you seen … 11. What time does … English class
cell phone? I lost it. begin?
a) my
b) mine
c) me
4. That dog belongs to my neighbor. 12. … friend is over there by the
It’s … dog. cafeteria. Can you see him?
a) our
b) their
c) his
5. Is this … pen? Does it belong to 13. Her friend says it’s …, but I think
you? it belongs to them.
a) you
b) yours
c) your
6. No, that’s not …. That pen is blue. 14. What do you like to do in … free
My pen is green. time?
a) my
b) mine
c) me

7. … home is located downtown, so 15. I don’t think that sandwich is mine.
it’s close to my work. I think it’s ….
a) We
b) Ours
c) Our

8. My brother doesn’t like … new job 16. Is it his, hers, yours, ours, or …?
because it’s very boring. I really don’t know!
a) his
b) its
c) he

9. The cat was hungry and tired,so it ate all ... food and fell asleep .
a) its
b) it's
c) it

10 . It's not theirs, it's ...We bought it yesterday .
a) our
b) them
c) ours

11. What time does ... English class begin ?
a) yours
b) you
c) your

12. ... friend is over there by the cafeteria. Can you see him ?
a) Me
b) My
c) Mine

13 . Her friend says it's ...,bur l think it belongs to therm .
a) her
b) his
c) our

14 . What do you like to do in ... free time ?
a) your
b) yours
c) their

15 . l don't think that sandwich is mine. I think it 's ...
a) her
b) yours
c) their

16 . Is it his, hers, yours, ours, or ... ? Ireally don't know !
a) they
b) theirs
c) them


respondido por: juliaesp
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. c
5. c
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. a
10. c
11. c
12. b
13. b
14. a
15. b
16. b
respondido por: inglesgus

Os Possessive Adjectives e Possessive Pronouns, e os Subject e Object Pronouns são alvo de muita confusão quando aprendemos Inglês, mas vou tentar clarear o conceito de cada um para que você entenda.

Os Subject Pronouns são aqueles que só vão ser usados como sujeito da frase. O próprio nome diz: Subject = Sujeito.

São eles: I, You, He, She, It, We, You(plural) e They.

Os Object Pronouns são os que usamos pra complementar ações. Como o nome diz, Object = Objeto - vem de objeto direto e indireto da gramática do Português, lembra? Mas é mais fácil pensar que Objeto = Complemento.

São eles: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You e Them.

Os Possessives se dividem em Possessive Adjectives e Possessive Pronouns, mas os dois têm a ideia de posse.

Possessive Adjectives vão sempre aparecer junto de algum substantivo. Por exemplo: My car, Your family, His friend. Nunca vão estar sozinhos numa frase - vai ser sempre um Possessive Adjective + um substantivo.

São eles: My ____, Your ____, His ____, Her ____, Its ____, Our ____, Your ____ e Their _____.

É importante entender isso, porque já os Possessive Pronouns são diferentes exatamente nesse aspecto. Eles devem sempre vir sozinhos. São ideias prontas, não precisam de nenhuma outra palavra pra completar.

São eles: Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Its, Ours, Yours e Theirs.

Observe a diferença entre os Possessive Adjectives e os Possessive Pronouns:

That is my car. (possessive adjective, precisa da palavra car pra completar)

That car is mine. (possessive pronoun, não devo repetir mine car, a palavra mine sozinha já dá conta do recado de dizer que o carro é meu.).

Com isso, a resposta da sua atividade é esta, do primeiro ao último exercício:

1. hers

2. her

3. my

4. his

5. your

6. Mine

7. Our

8. His

9. Its

10. Ours

11. your

12. My

13. His

14. Your

15. Yours

16. Theirs

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