• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: debria
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Brasilia, the modern city decreed by the Brazilian president Juscelino Kubitschek, and designed and built within just four years (1956-60) by Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa, is a futuristic wonder, and yet its working classes live not in sleek, central apartment blocks, but in a ring of shanty towns.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 dez. 2015.

Based on the text, one criticism that may be inferred is that:

planned cities would require more time to be adequately edified.

financial resources should be used to solve the housing problem.

modern cities tend to attract unprepared people for job positions.

cities should be founded instead of being the result of a decree.

facilities of the new capital are privilege of the prosperous classes.


respondido por: MariMourao
•criticism= crítica
•sleek= elegante
•shanty town= favela
•facilities= instalações, serviços

Seria correto dizer, levando em consideração a leitura do texto, que a crítica se direciona ao fato de que as classes trabalhadoras ficam a margem das maravilhas futurísticas, dos apartamento elegantes e dos serviços que são reservados às classes mais prósperas.
Portanto a alternativa correta seria a última e a justificativa seria o seguinte excerto do texto: " Brasilia (...) is a futuristic wonder, and yet it's working classes live not in sleek, (...) but in a ring of shanty towns.

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