• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: katia80801
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

change to the negative form use didn't or did not. a)the man smoked so much.b)the girls played the guitar at the party. c)the boys drank all the beer. d)the children ate all the chocolate. e)she danced all night. f)he lost his key. g)she told me the truth. h)the pupils learned their lessons.


respondido por: rowanblanchart
a) he man did not smok so much.
the girls didn't play the guitar at the party.
c) the boys did not drink all the beer
d) the children didn't eat all the chocolate.
e) she did not dance all night.
f) he didn't lost his key.
g) she did not told me the truth
the pupils didn't learn their lessons.

p.s: como a frase recebeu o did não foi necessário que o verbo que continue no passado 
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