• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: irehhloraR2D2
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

vcs podem me ajudar n consigo fazer essa lição é urgente!



respondido por: kerolinearaujo
Vamos lá:

1. I'm sorry, I always arrive late!
2. Excuse me, sir, can you help me? I'm lost!
3. No way I'm going out tonight; I am too busy.
4. Those two women wore the same dress.
5. What are the rules of the game?
6. I forgot to pay the telefhone bill, so I can't call you.
7. Do you have a passport? You need one to travel.
8. I don't like to eat fish; I only eat chicken.

irehhloraR2D2: obrigada!!!
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