(...) This idea asumed him, and automatically, as the thought of it, he turned his head and looked toward the top of the hill. The was, of course, nothing there -- nothing and no one. The street was empty and quiet. And all more because of its emptiness it occurred to him to count the houses -- a thing which, oddly enough, he hadn't thought of doing Before. Of course , he had known there weren't many -- many that is, on his own side of the street, which were the ones that figured in the postaman's progress -- bit nevertheless it came to him as somenthing of a shock to find that there were precisely six above his own house -- his own house was the seventh.
*To amuse:* diverter, entreter; *turn:* virar , girar; *empty:* vazia; *toward:* em direção; *hill:* ladeira, morro; *to count:* contar; *nevertheless:* porém, todavia; *above:* acima ; *own:* Própria.
1. Responda em português de acordo com o texto.
A) Como estava a rua ?
B)O que o menino fez automaticamente?
C) O menino fez algo que nunca pensaram em fazer antes .O que foi que ele fez ?
D) Quantas casas havia antes dá casa do menino?
E) Encontre, no texto, uma frase que esteja no *past perfect* .
respondido por:
a)"The street was empty and quiet."
- A rua estava quieta e vazia.
b)"he turned his head and looked toward the top of the hill"
-Ele virou a cabeça e olhou para o topo da colina.
c)"because of its emptiness it occurred to him to count the houses"
-Por causa do vazio lhe ocorreu contar as casas.
d)"precisely six above his own house -- his own house was the seventh."
-Haviam seis casas antes do menino.
e) "This idea asumed him"
- A rua estava quieta e vazia.
b)"he turned his head and looked toward the top of the hill"
-Ele virou a cabeça e olhou para o topo da colina.
c)"because of its emptiness it occurred to him to count the houses"
-Por causa do vazio lhe ocorreu contar as casas.
d)"precisely six above his own house -- his own house was the seventh."
-Haviam seis casas antes do menino.
e) "This idea asumed him"
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