read again the following fragments from the text on page 34. then, mark the correct item that completes each sentence below.
1."you Should only use mp3 devices at levels up to 60% of maximum volume".
2."The louder the volume, the shorter your duration should be".]
3."at maximum volume, you should listen for only about five minutes a day".
(a) the modal verb should expresses
( ) an obligation
( ) a recommendation
(b) we use should
( )before the main verb in the infinitive (without to).
( ) after the main verb in the infinitive (without to).
b) before the main verb in the infinitive (without to)
1."you Should only use mp3 devices at levels up to 60% of maximum volume". - a recommendation
2."The louder the volume, the shorter your duration should be".]
a recommendation
3."at maximum volume, you should listen for only about five minutes a day".
The modal verb should expresses
( ) an obligation
( X ) a recommendation
We use should
( X ) before the main verb in the infinitive (without to).
( ) after the main verb in the infinitive (without to).
The text talks about how we should take certain precautions to avoid damage that could damage our hearing.
The text cites the use of stereo at very high volumes, such as listening to music at high volumes and headphones can make you deaf over extended periods of exposure to damage to your ears.
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