O Pondera é um antidepressivo, ao passo que o Dramin é um antinauseante
Pondera has Paroxetine. It is an antidepressant (SSRI). Side effects are suicidal tendencies. Hard drug. Damages the liver. Makes you addicted. Not good.
Dramin has Dimenhydrinate. This is the salt out of Diphenhydramin (as you can see, the word DRAMIN comes out of DiphenhyDRAMIN). It has 50% the potential out of Diphenhydramin. Dangerous medicine. After some weeks, you might get addicted to the drug. It is used for "sleeping" in a good way. But it damages your liver. You can get glaucoma. 500 mg can bring you Halluzinations. If you use this drug with SSRI antidepressants, you might get a sertralin shock. Then you might die, because you will have a spastic attack. Then you can not breathe anymore and then you die. It is called a "dirty drug". The so called "Raver Techno Scene" uses Dimenhydrinate to have so called "trips". I advise on any overdose of this drug, use Diazepam. And consult a doctor as fast as you can.
It is a shame, that this drug is allowed in brazil, still.
Greets from Germany to Brazil.