• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: carolamaral47
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

Expansion 1 unit 6 activity 3 André 6 (estou sem criatividade para a 6)



respondido por: analauraserafi
3- a) If a zombie came in my direction, I would run really fast.
b) If I found an open house, I would enter to see if there's any food at the kitchen.
    c) If I were alone and needed to sleep in the open, I would be desperate.
    d) I would never try to run if I were stuck into somewhere dangerous.
    e) If I needed to cross a street infested by zombies, I would get a gun to shoot the zombies in the head.
respondido por: ajuda47788


oi, vc fez? me ajuda com a questão do texto por favor, eu n tô conseguindo. por favor

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