• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Riantorres4110
  • Perguntado 8 anos atrás

1-Mark the sentence below that is equivalent in meaning to fragment( )Even your friends say that the movie is better than the book( )Even your friends say that the book is better than the movie


respondido por: Lucapooka

I. The book is always better than movie.

II. Even your friends say that the movie isn't as good as the book.

1.Which two elements are being compared in fragments I and II? Resposta: a book and a movie

2. Mark the sentence below that is equivalent in meaning to fragment II. (seus amigos dizem que o filme não é tão bom quanto o livro)

( ) Even your friends say The movie is better than the book.

( ) Even your friends say the book is better than the movie.

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