• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: marcela2887
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

resumo do filme branca de neve em inglês


respondido por: samul29
in Snow White is Noah fly this speaker for English forms juice is 7 boys is boys eat apple
respondido por: Itachinho23


A long time ago, it is not known exactly when or where, it was winter when a queen was sewing near an open window. She embroidered and watched the snowflakes falling outside. Incidentally the queen pricked her finger with the needle and three drops of blood fell on the white snow. The queen then said:

"I wish I had a daughter as white as snow, carmine as blood and whose face was framed in black like ebony!" Some time later, the queen became pregnant and, when the baby was born, she left exactly as she had asked: white like snow, carmine like blood and with black hair. unfortunately the much-desired child was born and the queen died.

After a year of mourning, the king remarried, this time to a very vain princess who kept repeating to himself:

"Little mirror, my little mirror, answer me frankly: What is the most beautiful woman in the whole neighborhood?"

The mirror answered every time that the most beautiful was she, the king's new wife. Snow White, however, grew and became more and more beautiful.

The great conflict broke out the day the mirror replied to the new queen that Snow White was even more beautiful than she was.

Furious with the answer, the stepmother hired a hunter to kill her stepdaughter. The stepmother was so bad that she had the refinement of cruelty to ask the hunter to bring her heart and liver as evidence of the girl's murder.


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