• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: CAROL1234560890786
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

como fica na forma correta formando frases no presente continuo :a)to give -presente-are going - a - we teacher - to- the b)eating-cake-the-are-now-they c)smacks-to bring -are going- we


respondido por: xisbennet
A) we are going to give a present to the teatcher
B) they are eatinh the cake now
C) we are going to bring smacks

xisbennet: eating*
respondido por: renatosobreira
Acredito que fique:
- We are going to give a present to the teatcher.
- They are eatinh the cake now.
- We are going to bring smacks.

renatosobreira: obrigado
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