Imagine you are Alex. Megan asked you to do a number of things before the trip.
Here is a list of things you have done (OK) and things you haven't done (X). You
have been trying to talk to Megan but she's not available at the moment. Leave a
message telling her what you have and haven't done, and invite her for lunch or
dinner to discuss the trip last details:
Buy plane tickets -
Buy tickets for concert -
Call hotel and confirm reservations -
Check museums opening times -
Exchange dollars -
Make reservations for dinner at The Plaza -
I have bought the plane tickets, but I have not bought tickets for the concert, I have also called hotel and confirmed the reservations, though I have not checked museums opening times, I have already exchanged the dollars, but, sorry, I have not made reservations for dinner at The Plaza.
Could you come for lunch at 12 o'clock to discuss our trip last details?