A professora de inglês pediu para que fizéssemos um diálogo entre 2 pessoas ou mais com o tema estrangeirismo: basicamente um diálogo em que se usam palavras em inglês que são utilizadas no dia-a-dia. o mínimo é 20 palavras e sem limite de linhas
Eu pensei em algumas palavras, então vou colocá-las aqui (não precisa necessariamente usá-las, é só pra dar alguma ideia):
; Lan-house; Facebook; Stop; Delivery; Shopping; Drive-thru; Hot-dog; Marketing; Fake news; E-mail; Fast food; Subway; Playlist; Youtube; Notebook; Gamer; Wi-fi
JOHN: Hey Mary, what do you know about foreignism?
MARY: Foreignism? What are you talking about?
JOHN: There are some words that come from other languages and we just start saying like it's our own language; at some point, it actually becomes part of our dialect.
MARY: Oh, really? I never noticed that!
JOHN; Yes, I just figured it out when I travelled to Brazil! I heard people talking and there are many words that they use too, even English is very different from Portuguese! They use "shopping", "drive-thru", "playlist" and app's names like "Facebook" and "YouTube". It became so normal that most people don't even notice that it's another language!
MARY: At least, people know what they are saying... Right?
JOHN: Not always! Let's take "fast-food" as an example: many people use this to refer to a McDonald's or a Burger King, but don't really figure out that it means that these food are made to be eaten fast! They just use it without thinking because it's so common. Do you even think about the meaning of every word you say?
MARY: No... Not really...
JOHN: So, why would they do that?
MARY: After that, I'll search more about the origin of the English words!
JOHN: Okay... Let's google this!