• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: marialuisakpds
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Use either will or going to complete the following sentences.

a) On Friday I __________________ (go) to Paola’s birthday party but on Saturday I __________________ (see) a movie.

b) You __________________ (lose) weight if you eat healthy food.

c) The party __________________ (be) on Saturday night.

d) You __________________ (be) fit if you exercise.

e) I am stuck in the traffic. It’s 6:55 am. I __________________ (arrive) late.

will go / am going to see / are going to lose / will be / are going to be / will arrive

am going to go / am going to see / will lose / is going to be / will be / am going to arrive

will go / will see / will lose / is going to be / are going to be / am going to arrive

am going to go / will see / are going to lose / will be / will be / will arrive


respondido por: CremildaBR


Future with ''will'' and ''going to''

a) On Friday I am going  to go to Paola’s birthday party but on Saturday I am going to see a movie.

b) You will lose weight if you eat healthy food.

c) The party is going to be on Saturday night.

d) You will be fit if you exercise.

e) I am stuck in the traffic. It’s 6:55 am. I am going to arrive late.

B . am going to go / am going to see / will lose / is going to be / will be / am going to arrive  


Future with going to >> futuro certo - Uma ação que foi planejada e é certeza que irá acontecer.

Estrutura do futuro com ''going to''

Sujeito + verbo to be + going to + verbo + complemento

 Paul            is               going to     arrive         late.

Future with ''will'' >> futuro incerto - não planejado

Estrutura do futuro com ''will''

Sujeito + will +  verbo + complemento

James     will     travel     to Uruguay next year.

''Going to'' e ''will'' também podem ser usados para fazer previsões.

I am going to be a doctor.

Eu vou ser uma médica.

I will have a brand new car next year.

Eu vou ter um carro novo no ano que vem .

marialuisakpds: vc ta falando serio ne ?
CremildaBR: nao entendi. Sou muito velha pra inventar mentiras na internet
marialuisakpds: obrigada viu vou precisar mais da sua ajuda ksks
CremildaBR: sempre que precisar, me chama. Se eu estiver , EU ajudo sem problema
CremildaBR: ;)
marialuisakpds: so uma pergunta como eu vou te chamar
marialuisakpds: vlw
CremildaBR: my name is Celia
marialuisakpds: to falando no braliny
CremildaBR: é so vc mandar mensagem aqui
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