• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: samuel1232alves
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

1. Correlacione:
(a) unknown
(b) healthy people
(c) lungs
(d) disease
(e) breathe
) respiração
) desconhecido (a)
) doença
) pessoas saudáveis
2. Complete as frases usando o verbo to be:
a) "You
running a long race."
b) "Much
unknown about the disease COVID-19."
c) "If you ALLAH an old person," said Baron.
d) "One of them
Richard Baron, an expert in health care for older adults."
e) 'This is because they
full of air."
f) "Doctors say it
too soon to know about any lasting trouble for patients who recover
from COVID-19.​


respondido por: CrazyArmyMinie10

1 -

( E ) respiração

( A ) desconhecido

( D ) doença

( B ) pessoas saudáveis

( C ) pulmões

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