você simplesmente vai fazer uma substituição:
nomes femininos: use "she"
masculinos: use "he"
coletivo que não envolve o pronome "i": use they
os coletivos que envolvem "i", como por exemplo "Joana and I": use "we"
e para coisas e animais: use "it"
a) they need to finish it
c) he is angry at her
d) do they want to talk to us?
e) it drinks milk every time
f) she likes to eat it with a lot of pepperoni and mozzarella
g) he knows that she is late
h) they need to talk to them about the meeting
i) working with him is not easy
j) does she know how to fix it?
k) he doesnt know them
l) they need to play more with them
m) she cooks for him everyday! its not her obligation!
n) he needs a knife to cut it
o) it is delicious
p) they need it to cook
q) we get up at 12 o clock
r) do you go to bed before them?
s) he wants to learn how to play soccer with them
t) it needs more water
u) it is a mess. he needs to clean everything