• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: kemillycosta681
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

2. Como Paul McCartney e George Harrison se conheceram?


respondido por: umadesconhecida007


Essa é fácil!


On July 6, 1957, The Quarrymen perform at the Garden Fete at St. Peter's Church in Woolton, Liverpool. Behind the scenes, Ivan Vaughan introduces John Lennon to a friend: Paul McCartney. Paul, who was impressed by John's performance on stage, impresses everyone with his interpretation of “Twenty Flight Rock” by Eddie Cochran, a difficult lyric and still playing left-handed on a right-handed guitar. It wouldn't be long before he joined the group.

kemillycosta681: mais eu preciso dela em português
umadesconhecida007: Em 6 de julho de 1957, os Quarrymen se apresentam no Garden Fete na Igreja de São Pedro em Woolton, Liverpool. Nos bastidores, Ivan Vaughan apresenta John Lennon a um amigo: Paul McCartney. Paul, que ficou impressionado com a performance de John no palco, impressionou a todos com sua interpretação de “Twenty Flight Rock”, de Eddie Cochran, uma letra difícil e ainda tocando canhoto em um violão destro. Não demorou muito para que ele se juntasse ao grupo.
kemillycosta681: vlw
respondido por: augustoh931


On July 6, 1957, The Quarrymen perform at the Garden Fete at St. Peter's Church in Woolton, Liverpool. Behind the scenes, Ivan Vaughan introduces John Lennon to a friend: Paul McCartney. Paul, who was impressed by John's performance on stage, impresses everyone with his interpretation of “Twenty Flight Rock” by Eddie Cochran, a difficult lyric and still playing left-handed on a right-handed guitar. It wouldn't be long before he joined the group.

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