Redação do texto: Solidariedade na pandemia "EM INGLÊS". No mínimo 15 linhas!
to be solitary in the pandemic it's simple about two weeks ago my father saw a message in the group of a woman's building asking for donations of clothes or food so I opened my closet and got some clothes that I didn't wear anymore and of course clothes good conditions and I gave it to her and my father went to the market and bought some food to put together basic baskets so we gave some to the woman who asked and others we gave to people we met on the street. and that was the act of solitude that I had and that other people can have. another act of solitude that we can have and making masks out of fabrics and distributing my grandmother is a seamstress so we took old clothes of mine that were not in such good condition we cut pieces that were useful and we put on a mask to distribute and not sell because this is the moment that many people need help so we just give