1 •
A) Dogs bark
B) I usually drive to school
C) He works near his house
D) She takes the bus to work
E) You often arrive late
F) They study hard
Sempre que o pronome, sujeito ou objeto principal da frase estiver no singular, você deverá conjugar o verbo com um S ao final, as vezes ES ou IES:
He walkS (to walk)
She runS (to run)
It triES (to try)
Só não conjulgará o verbo quando o mesmo estiver junto a um pronome/sujeito/objeto no Plural como:
You (Vocês - Você)
We (Nós)
They (Eles)
You walk (to walk)
We run (to run)
They try (to try)
• 2 •
A) Jane tries to learn how to swim every day
B) My house has a yellow door
C) They often dance in the club on weekends
D) She kisses her mother every day
E) I buy newspaper of the corner
F) The boy catches the bus to school at 10:00