• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: jaquefranca2004
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

Transforme as frases abaixo em interrogativas e negativas. Preste atenção ao tempo verbal, pois cada um tem a sua regra. a) He studies in the morning. I: N: b) They are playing soccer now. I: N: c) We play soccer on Sundays I: N: d) They like Italian food. I: N: e) Alice is reading a book now. I: N: f) You are buying some candeis. I: N: g) You go to the club twice a week. I: N: h) They love pets. I: N: i) She is singing very well.


respondido por: purpletones
a) I: Does he study in the morning?
N: He doesn’t study in the morning.

b) I: Are they playing soccer now?
N: They aren’t playing soccer now.

c) I: Do we play soccer on Sundays?
N: We don’t play soccer on Sundays.

d) I: Do they like italian food?
N: They don’t like italian food.

e) I: Is Alice reading a book now?
N: Alice isn’t reading a book now.

* f) I: Are you buying candies? (OBS.: o “some” só aparece em frases interrogativas se ele for utilizado para oferecer algo)
N: You aren’t buying any candies. (OBS.: em frases negativas, não se usa “some” (algum), se usa “any” (nenhum/qualquer))

g) I: Do you go to the club twice a week?
N: You don’t go to the club twice a wee.

h) I: Do they love pets?
N: They don’t love pets.

i) I: Is she singing very well?
N: She isn’t singing very well.

*o exercício f) é mais complexo, pois mexe com “some” e “any”, então não tenho 100% de certeza sobre ele, me desculpe :(

Espero ter ajudado! :)
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