• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: ilsemartinelli
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

Task 1.Fill in the blanks with “was” or “were” 1. You ___________ talking in your sleep! 2. He ____________ eating with his fingers! 3. They ______________ shouting “Hooray!” 4. I __________ wondering if I could borrow this. 5. What ____________ you doing yesterday? 6. ____________ it raining last night? 7. We ____________ having a great time. 8. Susan and Joanne ____________ talking all night. 9. Who ______________ singing in the bathroom? 10. Why _____________ she crying? Task 2.Negative form. Fill in the blanks with “wasn’t” or “weren’t” 1. Sorry. I ___________ listening. 2. They _____________ enjoying themselves much. 3. I ___________ snoring. I was just breathing loud. 4. Why __________ he reading during Silent Reading? 5. We checked and the pipes ____________ leaking. 6. Mark and I ______________ running in the hall! 7. Please. I _________________ staring at you. 8. She ________________ wearing your hat. It was mine. 9. Of course I __________ checking my Facebook account. 10. No, we ____________________ laughing just now. Task 3.ING form. Just add “ing" except where you need to drop the final “e” or add a double consonant (“jogging”) 1. My brother was ________________(drive) me mad. 2. She was_____________ (tap) her foot incessantly. 3. Why were you ___________________ (run)? 4. They weren’t__________________ (wear) uniforms. 5. Why was the teacher ___________________ (shout)? 6. The girls were ___________________ (do) sit-ups. 7. They were __________________ (swim) in a river. 8. We were all ________________ (sneeze) and coughing. 9.He wasn’t ____________________ (look) at you. 10. Jan was ___________________ (text) while driving. Task 4. Make sentences from the cues. Example: John / talk / during class.John was talking during class. 1 We / think / about recycling ________________________________________________________________________ 2 They / not / sing / at the concert_____________________________________________________________________ 3 I / not / pay / attention____________________________________________________________________________


respondido por: silveirabeatriz

Resposta: Task 1

1- were




5- were






Explicação: eu não sei o resto desculpe

se algum estiver errado, mil perdões mais eu tentei

não sei se ajudou

respondido por: nicolaskucera1

Utilizando corretamente as regras do Simple Past e do Past Continuous, em língua inglesa, podemos completar as frases da seguinte maneira:


1. You were talking in your sleep!

2. He was eating with his fingers!

3. They were shouting “Hooray!”

4. I was wondering if I could borrow this.

5. What were you doing yesterday?

6. Was it raining last night?

7. We were having a great time.

8. Susan and Joanne were talking all night.

9. Who was singing in the bathroom?

10. Why was she crying?


1. Sorry. I wasn’t listening.

2. They wasn't enjoying themselves much.

3. I wasn't snoring. I was just breathing loud.

4. Why wasn't he reading during Silent Reading?

5. We checked and the pipes weren't leaking.

6. Mark and I weren't running in the hall!

7. Please. I wasn't  staring at you.

8. She wasn't wearing your hat. It was mine.

9. Of course I wasn't checking my Facebook account.

10. No, we weren't laughing just now.


1. My brother was driving me mad.

2. She was tapping her foot incessantly.

3. Why were you running?

4. They weren’t wearing uniforms.

5. Why was the teacher shouting?

6. The girls were doing sit-ups.

7. They were swimming in a river.

8. We were all sneezing and coughing.

9.He wasn’t looking at you.

10. Jan was texting while driving.


1. We were thinking about recycling.

2 They weren't singing at the concert.

3 I wasn't paying atention.

(1) Verbo To Be (Simple Past)

Os verbos WAS e WERE são as flexibilizações do verbo to be para o tempo do passado simples (Simple Past). Sua tradução literal pode ser, respectivamente: era/estava e eram/estavam.

A regra para definição do uso de um ou de outro é de acordo com o sujeito a que o verbo está se referindo.

Se o sujeitos são representados pelos pronomes:

  • I (Eu)
  • He (ele)
  • She (ela)
  • It (isso, isto, aquilo..)

o verbo to be deve ser flexionado para a forma WAS.

Se o sujeitos são representados pelos pronomes:

  • You (Você)
  • We (nós)
  • You (vocês)
  • They (eles/elas)

o verbo to be deve ser flexionado para a forma WERE.

(2) Past Continuous

O tempo do Past Continuous é utilizado em inglês para indicar:

  • ações que aconteceram ao mesmo tempo no passado;
  • uma ação contínua no passado, que ocorria quando uma ação pontual ocorreu;
  • uma ação contínua habitual que ocorria.

Para utilizar corretamente o Past Continuous devemos adicionar o verbo TO BE no Simple Past (Was/Were) e o verbo principal com a terminação ING.

Para 1ª e 3ª pessoa do singular (I e HE/SHE/IT), utiliza-se WAS, enquanto para as demais(YOU, WE, THEY), utiliza-se o WERE.

O verbo TO BE é flexionado de acordo com o sujeito:

  • I - WAS
  • YOU - WERE
  • WE - WERE
  • YOU - WERE

Na forma negativa o NOT aparece depois do verbo TO BE, e pode aparecer na forma contracta (Wasn't / Weren't).


  • 1)
  • 1. Você estava falando enquanto dormia!
  • 2. Ele estava comendo com os dedos dele!
  • 3. Eles estavam gritando “Hooray!”
  • 4. Eu queria saber se eu poderia emprestar isso.
  • 5. O que você estava fazendo ontem?
  • 6. Choveu ontem à noite?
  • 7. Estávamos nos divertindo muito.
  • 8. Susan e Joanne ficaram conversando a noite toda.
  • 9. Quem estava cantando no banheiro?
  • 10. Por que ela estava chorando?
  • 2)
  • 1. Desculpe. Eu não estava ouvindo.
  • 2. Eles não estavam se divertindo muito.
  • 3. Eu não estava roncando. Eu estava apenas respirando alto.
  • 4. Por que ele não estava lendo durante a Leitura Silenciosa?
  • 5. Verificamos e os canos não estavam vazando.
  • 6. Mark e eu não estávamos correndo no corredor!
  • 7. Por favor. Eu não estava olhando para você.
  • 8. ela Ela não estava usando seu chapéu. Era meu.
  • 9. Claro que eu não estava checando a conta dela no Facebook.
  • 10. Não, não estávamos rindo agora.
  • 3)
  • 1. Meu irmão estava me deixando louco.
  • 2. Ela batia o pé sem parar.
  • 3. Por que você estava correndo?
  • 4. Eles não estavam usando uniformes.
  • 5. Por que o professor estava gritando?
  • 6. As meninas estavam fazendo abdominais.
  • 7. Eles estavam nadando em um rio.
  • 8. Estávamos todos espirrando e tossindo.
  • 9.Ele não estava olhando para você.
  • 10. Jan estava mandando mensagens de texto enquanto dirigia.
  • 4)
  • 1. Estávamos pensando em reciclar.
  • 2 Eles não estavam cantando no show.
  • 3 Eu não estava prestando atenção.

Saiba mais sobre past continuous em: brainly.com.br/tarefa/30808233

Saiba mais sobre verbo to be em: brainly.com.br/tarefa/44395304


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