• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: angelicamachado201
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

theraph and write pain of antonyms and synonym
de annonces nas linhas
Layane i went to collect some items in the woods for their science prolet Their plans to me te hou
much as they could As they began the scheme was working because they were gathering
treban ferns, and gras. They had an enormous pile of stuff, and it was begin
such a collection, they had to slow their pace of collecting items. Their pile was
what is to keep in their dispute Lamy thought they should keep the wild flowers
about what to keep and finished their searching
they went to go home they noticed the rocks that they used to guide them into the forest were they
to lead them back they were lost any was very afraid, but Phillip was determined and discovered the way back
in the end, tary and Philip got an At on the science project, which was well worth the adventure​


respondido por: limamariaclara566


terapia e escrever dor de antônimos esinônimosde annonces nas linhas Layane, eu fui coletar alguns itens nafloresta para o proletismo científico deles.para e novoquanto eles puderam Quando começaram oesquema estava funcionando porque eles estavamencontrocomtreban samambaias e gras. Eles tinhamuma pilha enorme de coisas, e era como começaruma coleção, eles tinham que diminuir oritmo de coletar itens. A pilha deles era oque deveria manter em disputa. Lamy pensouque eles deveriam manter a naturezafloressobre o que manter e terminou suaprocurandoeles foram para casa notaram aspedras que eles usavam para guiá-losa floresta eles estavampara levá-los de volta, eles estavam perdidosmuito medo, mas Phillip estava determinadoe descobriu o caminho de voltano final, tary e Philip conseguiram um At ono projeto científico, que valeu a penaa aventura

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