Passe o texto para o ingles.
onado e se relacionado co
a ela, que se transforma
lo pescoço. A mula cu
da lara
Pode ser que um dia deixemos de nos falar...
Mas, enquanto houver amizade,
Faremos as pazes de novo
Pode ser que um dia o tempo passe...
Mas, se a amizade permanecer,
Um de outro se ha de lembrar.
na lenda inventada pelo
mais populares, per
e cabelos longos
imar sereia: lara era uma
Pode ser que um dia nos afastemos...
Mas, se formes amigos de verdade,
A amizade nos reaproximara
eren esta entre as tend
como a maioria dos per
Pode ser que um dia não mais existamos...
Mas, se ainda sobrar amizade,
Nasceremos de novo, um para o outro.
Pode ser que um dia tudo acabe...
Mas, com a amizade construiremos tudo novamente,
Cada vez de forma diferente,
Sendo unico e inesquecível cada momento
Que juntos viveremos e nos lembraremos para sempre.
linked and related to
to it, which turns
it neck. The mule ass
from lara
It may be that one day we will stop talking ...
But as long as there is friendship,
We will make peace again
It may be that one day time passes ...
But if the friendship remains,
One another will remember.
in the legend invented by
most popular per
and long hair
imar mermaid: lara was a
It may be that one day keep us apart...
But if you form real friends,
Friendship had brought us together
is among the trends
like most per
It may be that one day we no longer exist ...
But if there is still friendship left,
We will be born again, to each other.
It may be that one day it will all end ...
But with friendship we will build everything again,
Each time differently,
Being unique and unforgettable every moment
That together we will live and remember forever.
to it, which turns
it neck. The mule ass
from lara
It may be that one day we will stop talking ...
But as long as there is friendship,
We will make peace again
It may be that one day time passes ...
But if the friendship remains,
One another will remember.
in the legend invented by
most popular per
and long hair
imar mermaid: lara was a
It may be that one day keep us apart...
But if you form real friends,
Friendship had brought us together
is among the trends
like most per
It may be that one day we no longer exist ...
But if there is still friendship left,
We will be born again, to each other.
It may be that one day it will all end ...
But with friendship we will build everything again,
Each time differently,
Being unique and unforgettable every moment
That together we will live and remember forever.
Espero ter ajudado