• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: andrezamayra2022
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

Que resposta curta responde a frase abaixo corretamente: Livro pág: 19
Am I not becoming popular ?
a./ ) yes, he is
b.( ) No, she isn't
c. ( ) Yes, it is.
d.( ) Yes, I am.​


respondido por: CremildaBR


⇒⇒  Verb ''to be'' - simple present -  interrogative form

Am I not becoming popular?

Yes, I am.

a.( ) yes, he is

b.( ) No, she isn't

c. ( ) Yes, it is.

d.(X) Yes, I am.​   √


⇒⇒  Verbo ''to be'' - ser / estar

∵∵  Simple Present - Affirmative

John is a good doctor.

The kids are here.

∵∵  Simple Present - Negative   >>  sujeito + verbo to be + not

Adam isn't a nurse.

The kids aren't here.

∵∵  Simple Present - Interrogative  >>> verb to be + sujeito

Is Anne your friend?

Are the kids here?

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