respondido por:
Resposta: Bem, eis aqui alguns atos de liberdade
1- Arminius o barbaro
No séc I a.c o império romano se expandia e ia conquistando vários outros povos os quais eles consideravam bárbaros, eles subjugaram os povos da Alemanha, mas estes liderados por Arminius, planejaram uma emboscada e massacraram os Romano em teutoburgo mantendo assim sua liberdade
2- Willian Walace
no séc XIII os ingleses invadiram a escócia e tratavam com tirania o povo escocês, um escocês cansado de ser oprimido pelos ingleses, chamado Willian walace, se rebelou e num movimento de guerrilha conseguiu libertar a escócia
3- Zumbi dos palmares
Ele era um escravo fugido que terminou por liderar o quilombo dos palmares, e tentou resistir a escravidão imposta pelos portugueses
With the wind in your face
It feels good to be proud
And be free and a race
That is part of a clan
And to live on highlands
And the air that you breathe
So pure and so clean
Wake alone on the hills
With the wind in your hair
With a longing to feel
Just to be free
It is right to believe
In the need to be free
It's a time when you die
And without asking why
Can't you see what they do
They are grinding us down
They are taking our land
That belongs to the clans
Just a want to be free
With a need to belong
I am a clansman... Freedom!
It's a time wrought with fear
It's a land wrought with change
Ancestors could hear
What is happening now
They would turn in their graves
They would all be ashamed
That the land of the free
Has been written in chains
And I know what I want
When the timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine
I am the clansman
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