• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: dududasantosbernardo
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

me ajudemmm, tenho que entregar hoje



respondido por: viniciuslima46


trabalhosa mas não é impossivel : can i play soccer, could i go to bath, may i drink water, you might go to brush your teeth, you shall go to school, you should favorite my answer, you will grab a good grade, do you would travel to new york?


espero ter ajudado e como eu disse ''you should favorite my answer'' kk . agora so pegar um notao ai fechou?

respondido por: usernamevinicius
  • CAN:

Can i have a cup of tea, please?

  • COULD:

Could you please help me cross the street?

  • MAY:

Teacher, may I go to the bathroom?

  • MIGHT:

Be careful! It might have done damage inside.

  • MUST:

You must obey me!

  • SHALL:

Fire! They shall not pass!


You should not do that, it's dangerous.

  • WILL:

I will rule the universe!

  • WOULD:

If I would, could you?

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