Your best friend is gong to visit a place .
You love and you have visited it several times.
Write 3 suggestions to do and 3 for not to do .
Name of the place:
4 positive
4 negative
Ajuda por favor é urgente não é para chutar qualquer resposta
respondido por:
Name of the place: Italy
Positive suggestions:
- The food is amazing, you have to eat their pizza.
- You should visit their beautiful squares.
- Go to see the capital, Roma, and the churches.
- Go to Vaticano and visit the Sistine Chapel.
Negative suggestions:
- Don't put ketchup in the pizza.
- Try to not be disrespectful with the local people.
- NEVER choose your own table on a restaurant. In Italy the waiter choose for you.
- Don't try to speak Italian if you can't. The people will think that you are disrespecting their language.
Espero ter ajudado, beijinho ❤
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