• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: andriellefereira
  • Perguntado 5 anos atrás

1)Lela e analise o texto abaixo para responder as perguntas seguintes :

Synopsis: comes from the Greek word sunopsis which
means general view.

A brief summary of the major points of a written
work, either as prose or as a table; an abridgment or
condensation of a work

A synopsis is a very compact piece of communication
In a small number of words, the complexities of a
whole film need to be communicated.

a) Qual gênero textual está sendo conceituado?

b) Qual a origem da palavra "Synopsis"?

c) Retire três palavras cognatas e as traduza:

d) Escolha um filme que você gosta muito e faça uma sinopse dele em

2) Segundo o estudo sobre "Past continuous", qual das alternativas a seguir
está nesse tempo verbal da lingua inglesa?

a) She was think his all day long.

b) I'm studying for maths this morning.

c) Maysa was playing video game when I left.

d) We all were very confuse with this mess.

e) My mother was cook some bread.

3) Qual das alternativas apresenta a estrutura correta do Past continuous"?

a) verb to be (presente) + main verb + ing

b) verb to be (past) +to+main verb

c) verb to be (past) + main verb + ing

d) verb to be (present) +to+ing

e) verb to be (past) +ing

4)Analise o texto seguinte e responda o que se pede:

Bill's day

It was Saturday. The sun was shining and many people were going to the park. Bill
was there. He was riding his bike when he met his math teacher, Mrs. Bells. She
was running around the lake. There were some boys playing soccer. He also met
his neighbor, Mr. Ford. He was doing some exercises. There were some kids
eating popcorn and drinking soda. It was great!

a)Qual o tema abordado no texto?

b)Quando se deve usar "was" e quando se de usar "were" ao utilizarmos o verbo "to be" no passado?

c)Transcreva, no caderno, todos os verbos que estão conjugados no passado


respondido por: carlosdwgamer




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