• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: EuPandaMello
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

responda em inglês

1. Do you remember the Reflexive Pronouns? Complete the sentences with the correct one,
A) Lisa dyed her hair by
B) Andrew made the cake
C) The President
came to the party.
D) My friend doesn't like to have dinner by
E) I love to spend some time by
2. Why don't you create a situation for each of the idioms below?
A) A bed of roses:
B) Ring a bell:
C) Cool as a cucumber:
3. Show me your creativity and complete the sentences below!
A) I wish
B) She wishes
C) Joe wishes
D) I hope
E) They hope​

lobim9898: A) Lisa dyed her hair by herself
B) Andrew made the cake himself
lobim9898: C) The President himself
came to the party.
D) My friend doesn't like to have dinner by himself/herself
E) I love to spend some time by myself

2. Why don't you create a situation for each of the idioms below?
A) A bed of roses: Who said life would be a bed of roses?
B) Ring a bell: No, I'm sorry, that description doesn't ring any bells with me
C) Cool as a cucumber: When everybody is freaking out, she is as cool as a cucumber. I really admire it.
lobim9898: 3. Show me your creativity and complete the sentences below!
A) I wish I could have more time to see the Pandas at the zoo.
B) She wishes she could travel to the USA without having a passport.
C) Joe wishes his mom would live forever
D) I hope I'll get a better job in the future
E) They hope​ they can have the party without any inconvienience.


respondido por: lobim9898

Resposta:A) Lisa dyed her hair by herself

B) Andrew made the cake himself

C) The President himself

came to the party.

D) My friend doesn't like to have dinner by himself/herself

E) I love to spend some time by myself

2. Why don't you create a situation for each of the idioms below?

A) A bed of roses: Who said life would be a bed of roses?

B) Ring a bell: No, I'm sorry, that description doesn't ring any bells with me

C) Cool as a cucumber: When everybody is freaking out, she is as cool as a cucumber. I really admire it.

3. Show me your creativity and complete the sentences below!

A) I wish I could have more time to see the Pandas at the zoo.

B) She wishes she could travel to the USA without having a passport.

C) Joe wishes his mom would live forever

D) I hope I'll get a better job in the future

E) They hope​ they can have the party without any inconvienience.


respondido por: nicolaskucera1

Para responder corretamente as questões devemos empregar conhecimento de vocabulário, interpretação de texto em língua inglesa, assim como as regras de uso dos pronomes reflexivos.


A) Lisa dyed her hair by herself.

B) Andrew made the cake himself.

C) The President himself came to the party.

D) My friend doesn't like to have dinner by himself.

E) I love to spend some time by myself.


A) Study english is a bed of roses to me.

B) His name rings a bell.

C) I'm on vacation, everyday is cool as a cucumber.


A) I wish you were here.

B) She wishes her parents to be happy

C) Joe wishes a gift.

D) I hope you enjoy the party.

E) They hope​ us to go to christmas

(1) Reflexive Pronouns

Pronomes reflexivos (reflexive pronouns) são comumente utilizados quando o sujeito e o objeto do verbo são o mesmo.

Ou seja, quando a pessoa realiza uma ação sobre ela mesma, utilizamos este tipo de pronome para identificar. Ex: I did to myself.

Os pronomes deste tipo são:

  • Myself (I),
  • Yourself (you),
  • himself (he),
  • herself (she),
  • itself (It),
  • ourselves (we),
  • yourselves (you),
  • themselves (they).

(2) Interpretação de texto

A interpretação de texto se alia ao conhecimento de vocabulário na tarefa de realizar uma tradução ou interpretação que mantenha o significado e seja clara e compreensível na língua resultado.


  • Para entender um texto ou frase não precisamos conhecer todas as palavras que nele se encontram, mas possuindo uma base segura de vocabulário podemos compreender do que se trata o texto assim como boa parte do sentido das frases.


  • O próximo passo é juntar as palavras e buscar compreender um contexto possível, onde todos os sentidos possíveis de cada palavra são analisados e é formada uma sequência lógica que se encaixa.

Saiba mais sobre reflexive pronouns em:


Saiba mais sobre interpretação de texto:



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