1- Responda em inglês sobre a seguinte frase dita por Malala.
"One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world."
. Are you for or against this sentence?
. What do you think of this sentence?
. Are you for or against this sentence?
I agree, because people with access to education understand many things around the world and can even change them with a little effort
. What do you think of this sentence?
Despite being a short sentence, what she wants to express is clear: access to education, this phrase basically says that education is important from a very young age, since a child, because then, when the child grows up and is no longer a child, she you will have enough knowledge to start your journey changing the world.
"Uma criança, um professor, um livro e uma caneta podem mudar o mundo."
Você é a favor ou contra esta frase? in favor (a favor)
O que você acha desta frase? I think this phrase is very clear in your goals (Acho que essa frase está muito clara em seus objetivos)
coloquei a tradução para você entender, espero ter ajudado e bons estudos!