Indique de a frase está na active voice ou passive voice:
a) Mary makes her bed every morning.
b) Charlie is writing the letter.
c) The dinner is being made by me.
d) I washed my car last week.
e) The letter is being written by Charlie.
⇒⇒ Active and passive voices
a) Mary makes her bed every morning. ⇔ active voice
b) Charlie is writing the letter. ⇔ active voice
c) The dinner is being made by me. ⇔ passive voice
d) I washed my car last week. ⇔ active voice
e) The letter is being written by Charlie. ⇔ passive voice
⇒⇒ Passive and active voice
Active voice >> sujeito pratica a ação do verbo
a. My father will buy a new car next year .
b. The kids play soccer every day.
c. David is going to work on Sundays.
Passive voice >>> objeto será o sujeito da passiva
a. A new car will be bought by my father next year.
b. My house was painted by my brothers.
c. The fireman was bitten by that dog.
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