• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: tamireslionelborges
  • Perguntado 4 anos atrás

TEMA: How to focus in the age of distraction

Você lerá um infográfico representando o que a maior parte de nós vive nos dias de hoje: a explosão de

atribuições e o excesso de distração. Vamos começar com compreensão textual seguido de algumas

dicas. Você vai revisar o uso do Imperativo. Are you ready? Let’s get down to business!


How to focus in the age of distraction?

1 - Do you get distracted easily?

2 - In your opinion, what are the most distracting activities on the internet?
The text below mentions the expression. “the age of distraction”. Is the internet the one to blame, or

is it the way we deal with the new communication technologies?

4 - Based on the infographic above and on your knowledge about the topic, which option in parenthesis

makes appropriate recommendations to help people focus? Circle the correct one.

Managing your space

A (Do/Don’t do) just one thing at a time.

B (Keep/Don’t keep) distractions Away from you.

C (Spend/Don’t spend) ten minutes organizing your things.
Take a digital technology detox

D (Spend/Don’t spend) time with your family and friends.

E (Use/Don’t use) your cellphone, send e-mails, watch TV, or access Facebook.

Help for addicts

F (Use/Don’t usr) blocker programs or adopt an alternative way to write.

Take time to reflect and review

Early in the morning,

G (check/don’t check) your e-mail until you have decided what the three most important things to

be done are. At the end of the day,

H (reflect/don’t reflect) on what you did during the day.

Managing e-mail

I (Turn on/Don’t turn on) e-mail alerts.

J (Keep/Don’t keep) your computer disconnected from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

K (Check/Don’t check) e-mail two or three times a day.

Create rituals/habits

L (Have/Don’t have) a quiet morning: read, meditate, go for a walk.

M Before bedtime,

(wash/don’t wash) your face, clean the dishes, read a book.

How to work

N (Stay/Don’t stay) Away from the computer.

O (Work/Don’t work) for fifty minutes and have a break for twenty minutes.

5 - The following text is a description of a social networking service . Replace the letters by the

appropriate verbs to complete the text. Use the correct tense.

A social networking service A ________________ an online service, or site that B ________________

on facilitating the Building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, C

________________interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. A social network service

D ________________of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety

of additional services. [...]

6. Replace the letters by the verbs in parentheses. Decide if the actions are in progress or are routines/


We A ________________ (live) in curious time. It’s called the age of information, but in another line it can

be called the Age of Distraction. [...]

When we B ________________ (work), we C ________________ (have) distractions coming from every

direction. In front of us D ________________ (be) the computer, with e-mail notifications and other

notifications of all kinds. Then, there’s the addicting lure of the browser, which E ________________

(contain) not only an endless amount of Reading material that can be a black hole into which we never F

________________ (escape), but unlimited opportunities for shopping, for chatting with other people, for

gossiping and news and lurid photos and so much more. [...]

Computers G ________________ (take over) our lives. And while I H ________________ (be) as pro-tech-

nology as the next guy (more so in many cases), I also I ________________ (think) we need to consider the

consequences of this new lifestyle. [...]

Referência Questões 1-6. Menezes, Vera et al. Alive High: inglês, 2º ano: ensino médio. São Paulo: Edições SM, 2016. p. 141-142.


Que tal ter várias opções de leituras e exercícios criadas para você que está aprendendo Inglês?

<https://www.esl-lounge.com/student/reading.php>. Acesso em: 28 mar. 2021. 2 semana inglês


junioww299: queroooo a a resposta


respondido por: gustavoif

A questão é muito extensa, então vou resolver apenas a questão 4, ok?

Colocando em negrito as alternativas corretas, temos:

4 - Based on the infographic above and on your knowledge about the topic, which option in parenthesis  makes appropriate recommendations to help people focus? Circle the correct one.

Managing your space

A) Do just one thing at a time.

B) Keep distractions away from you.

C) Spend ten minutes organizing your things.  Take a digital technology detox

D) Spend time with your family and friends.

E) Don’t use your cellphone, send e-mails, watch TV, or access Facebook.

Help for addicts

F) Use blocker programs or adopt an alternative way to write.

Take time to reflect and review

Early in the morning,

G) Don’t check your e-mail until you have decided what the three most important things to

be done are. At the end of the day,

H) Reflect on what you did during the day.

Managing e-mail

I) Don’t turn on e-mail alerts.

J) Keep your computer disconnected from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

K) Check e-mail two or three times a day.

Create rituals/habits

L) Have a quiet morning: read, meditate, go for a walk.

M) Before bedtime,

wash your face, clean the dishes, read a book.

How to work

N) Stay away from the computer.

O) Work for fifty minutes and have a break for twenty minutes.

lordggofc: Melhor 1 real no bolso que nada né
respondido por: kovkz


OBS: Se a pergunta está em inglês, escreva a resposta em inglês, e se a pergunta estiver em português, escreva em português, só traduzi para vocês entenderem

1. Do you get distracted easily?

1. Você se distrai facilmente?

R: Yes, I like to do a lot of things in my free time.

Sim, gosto de fazer varias coisas no tempo livre.

2. In your opinion, what are the most distracting activities on the internet?

2. na sua opinião, quais as atividades que mais distraem na internet?

R:​ Music, videos, series and movies, online games, social networks.

Musicas, videos, series e filmes, jogos online, redes sociais.

3. The text below mentions the expression. "the age of distraction". Is the internet the one blame, or is it the we deal with the new communication technologies?

3. o texto abaixo menciona a expressão. "a era da distração". A culpa da internet ou é a forma como lidamos  com as novas tecnologias de comunicação?

R: I believe that the internet becomes good or bad depending on how it is used.

Eu acredito que a internet é boa ou ruim dependendo de como é usada

4 - Based on the infographic above and on your knowledge about the topic, which option in parenthesis  makes appropriate recommendations to help people focus? Circle the correct one.

Managing your space

A) Do just one thing at a time.

B) Keep distractions away from you.

C) Spend ten minutes organizing your things.  Take a digital technology detox

D) Spend time with your family and friends.

E) Don’t use your cellphone, send e-mails, watch TV, or access Facebook.

Help for addicts

F) Use blocker programs or adopt an alternative way to write.

Take time to reflect and review

Early in the morning,

G) Don’t check your e-mail until you have decided what the three most important things to

be done are. At the end of the day,

H) Reflect on what you did during the day.

Managing e-mail

I) Don’t turn on e-mail alerts.

J) Keep your computer disconnected from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

K) Check e-mail two or three times a day.

Create rituals/habits

L) Have a quiet morning: read, meditate, go for a walk.

M) Before bedtime,

wash your face, clean the dishes, read a book.

How to work

N) Stay away from the computer.

O) Work for fifty minutes and have a break for twenty minutes.


A) is

B) is focused

C) sharing

D) consists



A) live

B) work

C) have

D) be at

E) contain

F) escape

G) take over

H) am

I) think

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