3– Junte as frases usando o relative pronoun where.
a) I was on my way to the Odeon Cinema. I wanted to meet my friends.
b) My first stop was Melbourne. I have friends.
c) The shopping center is place. You can buy a lot of things there.
⇒⇒ Relative pronouns
a) I was on my way to the Odeon Cinema. I wanted to meet my friends.
I was on my way to the Odeon Cinema where I wanted to meet my
b) My first stop was Melbourne. I have friends.
My first stop was Melbourne where I have friends.
c) The shopping center is a place. You can buy a lot of things there.
The shopping center is a place where you can buy a lot of things there.
→→ Relative pronoun / Pronome relativo >>> une duas frases, que são chamadas de ''relative clauses''. As ‘’relative clauses’’ modificam o substantivo, acrescentando mais informações sobre o substantivo.
→ Most common relative pronouns
Who quem, que, o qual - usado para pessoas
Which que, o qual, o que - usado para coisas
Where onde, em que, no qual, no que - usado para lugares
When quando, no qual (plurais e feminino) - usado para tempo
That que - usado para coisas ou pessoas
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