⇒⇒ Prepositions
When is USA Independence Day?
a. It is on July 4th. ✅
b. It is at July 4th.
c. It is in July 4th.
Alternativa correta letra ''a''
→→ Prepositions IN - ON - AT
in - geral
on - more specific - mais específico
at - very specific - muito específico
→→ ''in'' para se referir aos períodos maiores e menos específicos, como uma parte do dia, meses, estações do ano, anos, séculos , cidades, estados, países, continentes.
Exceção >>> at night
in November
in December
in Summer
in 1990
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the Spring
in the past
→→ ''on'' para dias da semana, datas completas e endereço incompleto
on 6th March
on January 10th, 2010
on the weekend
on Friday night
on Wednesday
on Sunday morning
→→ ''at'' para tempo específico (hora), lugar, address - endereço completo
at one clock
at half past nine
at the Mall
at Easter
at the same time
at 3245 Paulista Ave.
at 97 Ocean Dr.
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