• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: telmabeatriz201
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

25 frases em ingles com adjetivos


respondido por: vagalumess
I am very intelligent.
Bruna is short.
Pamela is polite.
Paul is impolite.
Sue is beautiful.
Cintia is a very interesting girl.
You are happy.
We are sad.
They are unhappy.
He is boring.
She is a pretty girl.
Peter is tall.
Priscila is short.
Ocean Pacific is very long.
São Paulo is a big city.
Rio de Janeiro is crowded.
The climate of Curitiba is cold.
My food is very hot.
This cake is delicious.
That lady is smart.
That boy is fast.
John is ugly.
Math is very difficult.
English is very easy.
History is very important in our life.

respondido por: damianabem

Para elaborar a resposta deste exercício, devemos criar 25 frases com adjetivos em inglês, que apresentamos abaixo:

  1. The kids look happy
  2. This movie was very sad
  3. My dad's car is blue
  4. This is a boring lesson  
  5. They are fast learners  
  6. This soup is cold
  7. I am feeeling blue today  
  8. They always have deep conversations  
  9. She is a bright student
  10. I'm not eating that bloody meat.
  11. Look! That creepy man is coming.
  12. The birds are finally free.
  13. John's backpack is black.
  14. That chair is too heavy.
  15. Her skin is really smooth.
  16. Careful! This plate is too hot.
  17. Bob is in love with the pretty girl from his class.
  18. Susan is really tall.
  19. Your essay is too short.
  20. I like him because he is very gentle.
  21. I think she is as light as a feather.
  22. Ann's pen is green.
  23. This is a very long list.
  24. This music is very slow.
  25. Our teacher is very strict.


  • O que são adjetivos? Adjetivos são palavras que descrevem as características, qualidades ou número de um substantivo.

       Ex.: He is a lucky man.

  • Adjetivos podem modificar substantivos, mas não advérbios. Apenas advérbios podem modificar outros advérbios.

       Ex.: I feel bad about this situation.

  • Qual a diferença entre adjetivos e advérbios? Adjetivos modificam substantivos, enquanto que advérbios modificam adjetivos ou outros advérbios.

        Ex.:  1. Paul smells badly

                2. Paul smells bad

  • Adjetivos podem fazer mais do que modificar substantivos. Eles também podem ser um complemento do verbo "To Be".

        Ex.: The cow sure is happy.

Para saber mais sobre adjetivos, clique aqui: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/42179390


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