⇒⇒ Conditionals
A) If littered, I would feel guilty.
B) If litter, someone gets paid to clean it up.
C) If things blow out of a truck or a car, it’s not really littering.
D) If litter nis already on the ground, then one more piece won’t hurt.
E) If an item is organic, it’s all right to throw it anywhere.
F) If you already do have proper and responsible waste disposal habits, remember that you can make a difference by encouraging others to follow your example.
1 - First clause Second clause
If + simple present Simple present
If litter, someone gets paid to clean it up.
If an item is organic, it’s all right to throw it anywhere.
If things blow out of a it’s not really littering.
truck or a car,
2 - First clause Imperative
If + simple present
If you already do have proper remember that you can make a difference
and responsible waste by encouraging others to follow your
disposal habits., example
3 - First clause Future
If + simple present
If litter is already on the then one more piece won’t hurt.
4 - First clause Would / Wouldn't
If + simple past
If littered, I would feel guilty.
2. Match the structures (1) to (4) to their use
a. It tells people what to do (1)
b. It describes what always happens in a situation (2)
c. It describes hypothetical situations and their hypothetical results (3)
d. It describes hypothetical situations and their possible results (4)
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