1) As rochas são importantes matérias-primas utilizadas pelo homem há vários milênios. As rochas são agrupamentos de minerais agregados que compõem a estrutura sólida da Terra, ou seja, a litosfera. Assinale as atividades humanas nas quais as rochas são utilizadas. *
5 pontos
a)Na construção civil.
b)Como material de revestimento.
d)Na agricultura.
e)Produção de pneus.
1) Escreva as frases abaixo no modo *Negativo e no modo *Interrogativo usando os verbos conjugados no Presente Continous de forma correta. (RESPONDAM todaaas pfv, marco como melhor resposta)
1. The teacher is buying new books.
2. My classmates are doing their homework.
3. We are going to the movie theater.
4. I am watching tv.
5. Julie is waiting my sister.
6. My mother is doing exercises.
7. The young girl is talking to her boyfriend now
8. She is arriving in the country in four weeks.
9. The doctors are finishing the operation.
10. The secretary is talking with her coworkers now.
11. They are studying for the driver’s test.
12. The girl is playing violin.
13. I am looking for someone who can help me.
14. That lady is wearing a estrange pink hat.
15. My cousin is taking beautiful pictures.
16. You are reading a magazine.
17. I am watching a good tv show.
18. Marcy is eating her lunch.
19. The children are playing soccer.
20. He is looking for his keys.