Shrek, animated cartoon character, a towering, green ogre whose fearsome appearance belies a kind heart. Shrek is the star of a highly successful series of animated films. At the beginning of the 2001 film Shrek, the title character lives as a recluse in a remote swamp in the fairy-tale land of Duloc. When other beings cross his path, he frightens them away so that he can be left alone to enjoy taking mud showers and snacking on slugs and bugs. After coming to the aid of a talking donkey named, simply, Donkey, he becomes drawn into the machinations of the evil Lord Farquaad, who wants to rule Duloc and rid it of its fairy-tale characters. Shrek ultimately saves Duloc and rescues the beautiful Princess Fiona, who turns out to be an ogre herself. The two fall in love and marry.
O texto acima, que fala um pouco sobre o personagem Shrek, comenta que ele
até hoje permanece escondido.
ainda continua tomando banho de lama.
tornou-se amigo dos insetos e lesmas.
não consegue derrotar o Lorde Farquaad.
salva a cidade de Duloc e resgata a princesa.
respondido por:
Salva a cidade de Duloc e resgata a princesa.
"Shrek ultimately saves Duloc and rescues the beautiful Princess Fiona"
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